Easterling Kataphrakt Build II
Continuing the Build
Entering another day into quarantine, I was pretty excited to continue on this build. Another positive surprise came from joining a social media group dedicated to this particular line of tabletop miniatures. The sense of community was very strong, as there was a lot of conversation in the comments - something that seems lacking for most social media posts. Typically it’s a like or a heart or some quick acknowledgement button, but full conversations don’t rarely make an appearance unless its on a heated debate about something political. So that was a really welcome change.
What’s Next
That’s one mounted figure built. It’s definitely a very different experience than working with 1/35 military models. The next step is getting the figure primed and ready for painting. One of the things working on this project has made me itch to do is build some of the larger and more involved models from Game's Workshop. Who knows, another Lord of the Rings miniature build may be in my list of things I’d like to do.